Key Steps to Raise Funds for Your Venture via Equity | MSME Business Consulting

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Key Steps to Raise Funds for Your Venture via Equity | MSME business Consulting May 21, 2024

When it comes to MSME business consulting, there are two ways in which firms, most notably ones like Scalex Solutions, can help companies raise money. The first of these is through equity financing, while the second would be debt financing. Now, I may not know what your preferred option is. But if you are reading this, I guess it is probably fair to assume that you are likely exploring equity financing as the one to fund your venture. That is, if I am assuming correctly. 

But before you continue, be aware of the fact that the capital-raising process can be overwhelming. This is where Scalex Solutions would be your best bet–not only providing you with MSME business consulting but also equity funding consulting. Another point to note is that while the term equity financing refers to the financing of public companies listed on an exchange, the term also applies to private company financing. But fret not. Scalex Solutions is well-equipped to guide you through the complexities of both scenarios, ensuring that your capital-raising process is just as smooth as it is successful. 

Nevertheless, before we continue, it is important to understand what the dynamics and definitions are, when it comes to securing the necessary capital to fuel growth. The first of these is understanding what equity financing is and why it offers a compelling solution. Equity financing is a process by which funds are raised by selling shares of a company, It is a method that enables businesses to obtain the funds required for various processes. And that may be anything, from covering short-term expenses to investing in long-term projects that are designed to drive expansion. To this end, by selling ownership stakes, entrepreneurs can access substantial capital without incurring debt. 

With that out of the way, we now need to understand how equity financing can be sourced. This can be from a diverse array of investors, beginning but not limited to close contracts, angel investors, venture capitalists, and even the public, through an initial public offering. The latter has been significant for industry giants like Google and Meta, which raised billions by offering their shares to public investors. What is that case, you ask? Well, equity financing is a much lower-risk option compared to traditional loans. Investors here are typically more invested in the business’s success, offering valuable expertise, insights, and networks. Their returns, you see, are directly tied to the company’s success, thereby also aligning their interests with the growth and prosperity of the business.

However, this type of financing does come with its own defined set of challenges, which you need to understand. Nevertheless, in this article, we will be talking about equity funding consulting, and the steps to successfully raising funds for your venture through equity financing

How Equity Financing Works:

Having talked about what defines equity financing, we now need to understand how it works. Typically speaking, equity financing involves the sale of common stock and other equity or quasi-entity items. But what exactly are these “equity-like instruments”? They are equity units that include common shares and warrants, which can affect existing shareholders while also impacting their ability to reach out to potential new shareholders. Examples would include preferred stock, and convertible preferred stock, among others. 

Generally, angel investors and venture capitalists, who in most cases are the first investors in a startup, favor convertible preferred shares in place of common stocks. This is so because, when funding relatively new companies, investors acquire significant upside potential, including downside protection, when it comes to convertible preferred shares. They also gain the flexibility to convert their shares to common stock, benefiting from the company’s growth while mitigating risks, making them a favored choice in early-stage investments. And later on, if the very same company needs additional capital, investors may choose secondary equity financial options. These options range from a rights offering to an offer of equity units, which can also include warrants as a deal sweetener. 

Types of Equity Financing:

When talking about the different types of equity financing, and before taking advantage of equity funding consulting through Scalex Solutions, you need to realize that this type of financing represents more than just raising capital. It highlights an important relationship, a collaborative partnership, if possible—between entrepreneurs and investors. All of which are shared by a shared vision, trust, and ambition. Let us explore these partnerships one by one: 

Angel Investors:

As you must have noticed, the word angel investor has come up quite often in the article. And reasonably so. These individuals or groups, often with large-scale experience and resources, provide crucial funding and guidance to budding startups as well as MSMEs. More than that, they also offer much-valued mentorship, and insights, as well as bringing in their own established industry connections. The value of this is priceless, especially for success in the formative stages of any business venture. 

Venture Capitalists:

For businesses with dreams of growth and market dominance, venture capitalists stand as formidable partners for success. Equipped with substantial capital and always on the lookout for potential, VCs seek out ventures with interesting value propositions and models that are actually scalable. What do they seek in exchange? A significant ownership stake and active participation in decision-making. Furthermore, they too bring in their expertise, including networks, all of which are key to driving growth and maximizing returns. 

Initial Public Offerings (IPOs):

IPOs may also require significant amounts of regulatory activity and public scrutiny. However, the pluses of using this strategy simply outweigh its minuses: the prospects for increased growth and liquidity, as well as increased visibility in the market. Companies launching IPOs attract investors who are willing to be a part of the company’s success story; this means there is further business expansion as well as the development of new products.


While the above three stand as the more traditional options, in the digital age of today, crowdfunding platforms have emerged as a more democratized alternative for raising capital and engaging with a broader community of supporters. That said, beyond soliciting small contributions from a large number of individuals, often in exchange for rewards or early access, crowdfunding also offers something more than financial benefits. These would include fostering a sense of community and collaboration, building brand loyalty, and having a dedicated customer base.

Reasons to Choose Equity Financing:

Equity financing is a strategic choice, especially when it comes to startups or MSMEs. Where traditional lenders might turn you away due to risk or a lack of proven track record, angel investors and venture capitalists live for early-stage businesses, owing to the prospect of potential returns. Moreover, beyond capital, it provides access to invaluable expertise and resources from invested investors. So, are you ready to explore equity financing? Contact Scalex Solutions for tailored MSME business consulting and expert guidance on securing equity funding.

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ScaleX Solutions is the Delhi based startup which has a vision to help MSME’s in their growth and scaling of their business through Strategic Consultation and mentoring in Product Development , Branding, marketing and sales.